Mixture screw Solex Z1 Z2 Z10 Z13 DIS BIS


11 na zalihi (može se naručiti po isteku zaliha)
SKU 4845E
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Mixture screw Solex Z1 Z2 Z10 Z13 DIS BIS
Solex 32/34 Z2
Solex 30/30 Z2
Solex 32/34 Z1
Solex 34/34 Z1
Solex 30/32 Z
Solex 26 DIS
Solex 32 DIS
Solex 32 BIS
Solex 28/34 Z10
Solex 32/34 Z13


Please before order check OEM number and screw from your carburettors (some carburettors have similar but difrent screws)

We ship worldwide with AIRMAIL post.Please check shipping cost in item description.
PayPal or bank payment accepted.


Težina 0.015 kg


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